- Refrigerators, freezers and show cases (commercial and domestic).
- Water coolers.
- Water heaters.
- Metal doors.
- Sandwich panels – continuous
or discontinuous production lines.
- Pipe insulations.
- Block foam.
- Refrigerated truck body manufacturing.
SAPTEX SYSTEM HOUSE can support the needs of sandwich panel manufacturers. Sap-tex polyurethane chemicals are much suitable for continuous sandwich panel produc-tion lines. Even it can customize chemicals as per clients demand. Our chemicals meet all regulations of international community.
Our system chemicals SAPTEX POLYOL AND MDI are two components well suitable and developed for the manufacturing of sandwich panels with metal sheets on both sides or fllexibles facing like aluminium, aluminium foil with fiiber glass, asphalt saturated felt paper facing or any other reinforced foil type by continuous process.
- Polyurethane insulation is one of best insulation material available in the world.
- Polyurethane insulation can help to reduce energy loss by stopping heat or cold pene-tration because of it’s high thermal resistance and good thermal conductivity.
- Polyurethane insulation has property of good adhesion with facers.
- Polyurethane insulation is rigid and has high compressive strength as well.
That’s why, polyurethane is being used extensively in sandwich panel industry World-wide.

OUR CHEMICALS SAPTEX POLYOL AND MDI are two components well suited and devel-oped for the manufacturing of sandwich panels by dis continuous process.
The system (POLYOL+MDI) can be dispensed using low or high pressure machine at mixing ratios provided by saptex.

Rigid (PUR / PIR) Foam Blocks can be manufactured in either Continuous or discontinu-ous processes
SAPTEX polyurethane chemicals (SAPTEX POLYOL AND MDI) are much suitable for con-tinuous block foam manufacturing as well as dis continuous production lines. Even it can customize chemicals as per clients demand. Our chemicals meet all regulations of international regulation bodies.
In the continuous manufacture of block foam, the reaction mixture is applied to a U shaped paper that is supported at the sides and transported on a conveyor belt. At the end of the conveyor belt, the expanded block can be cut to the desired length.
After they have reached their final rigidity, the blocks produced in the continuous and discontinuous processes are cut into boards, pipe sections or desired shapes Appropriate facings can be glued to the cut board products for various kinds for diverse applications.
The base components (SAPTEX POLYOL AND MDI) are mixed in an agitator before being poured into a box
Mold. The reaction mixture expands and forms a rigid foam block.

POLYURETHANE INSULATION is one of best insulation material available in the world.
Polyurethane insulation can help to reduce energy loss by stopping heat fllow and cold penetration because of it’s high thermal resistance and good thermal conductivity.
Polyurethane insulation has property of good adhesion with metal sheet will help to provide structural strength to the structure of the body.
Polyurethane insulation is rigid and has high compressive strength as well. Worldwide, polyurethane is being used extensively in water heater and boiler industry
Polyurethane insulation can be produced by mixing SAPTEX POLYOL and MDI together in given ratio and injecting in cavity of structure.
Saptex can formulate polyol which is suitable for low and high pressure machines based on customer requirements.
Saptex will provide technical data (TDS & MSD) upon request.
- Water heaters (commercial and domestic)

POLYURETHANE INSULATION is one of best insulation material available in the world.
Polyurethane insulation can help to reduce energy loss by stopping heat penetration and loss of coolness because of it’s high thermal resistance and good thermal conduc-tivity.
Polyurethane insulation has property of good adhesion with metal sheet will help to provides structural strength to the structure of refrigeration body.
Polyurethane insulation is rigid and has high compressive strength as well.
Worldwide, in refrigeration industry polyurethane is being used extensively.
Polyurethane insulation can be produced by mixing SAPTEX POLYOL and MDI togeth-er in a given ratio and injecting in the cavity of structure.
SAPTEX is Formulating POLYOL as per client requirements in SAPTEX SYSTEM HOUSE which is located in Riyadh
SAPTEX can formulate polyol which is suitable for low and high pressure machines based on customer requirements.
SAPTEX will provide technical data (TDS & MSD) upon request .
- Refrigerators and freezers(commercial and domestic)
- Water coolers
POLYURETHANE INSULATION is one of best insulation material available in the world. Polyurethane insulation can help to reduce energy loss by stopping heat pen
etration or loss of coolness because of it›s high thermal resistance and good thermal conductivity.
Polyurethane insulation has property of good adhesion with metal sheet & help to pro-vides structural strength to the structure of the body.
Polyurethane insulation is rigid and has high compressive strength as well.
Polyurethane insulation can be produced by mixing SAPTEX POLYOL and MDI together in given ratio and injecting in the cavity of structure.
Saptex can formulate polyol which is suitable for low and high pressure machines based on customer requirements.
Saptex will provide technical data (TDS & MSD) upon request
- Metal doors
POLYURETHANE INSULATION is one of best insulation material available in the world.
Polyurethane insulation can help to reduce energy loss by stopping heat penetration or loss of coolness because of it›s high thermal resistance and good thermal conductivity.
Polyurethane insulation has property of good adhesion with metal sheet will help to provides structural strength to the structure of refrigeration body.
Polyurethane insulation is rigid and has high compressive strength as well.
Worldwide, in refrigeration industry polyurethane is being used extensively.
Polyurethane insulation can be produced by mixing SAPTEX POLYOL and MDI together in a given ratio and injecting in the cavity of structure to make slab stocks.
Blocks are cut in the desired shape by CNC machine or saw machine.
Saptex will provide technical data (TDS & MSD) upon request by client.
- Pre insulated pipes Cut segments.